The Gospel lesson for May 17 is from John 14:15-21. Soon Jesus will die and rise alive again, and soon after that He will go up into heaven. Jesus had spent a lot of time with the disciples. They believed He was the Savior. When He left, that would be hard for them. So Jesus encouraged them that they won’t be alone. How?

First, Jesus promised to send them the Holy Spirit to stay with them and live in them. Second, Jesus said He will come again and then they (and we) will live with Him. Jesus will be with them and us!

But then Jesus said this very confusing sentence. “Then you will know that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.” What does that mean and how does that work?

Don’t try too hard to figure it out. Just think about this. God is all powerful. He made everything in the universe. But He cares about you and sent Jesus to die and rise alive for you and give you life. The God of the universe did that for you! When you see Jesus, you see that great Almighty God. And guess what? You belong to Him. And He lives in you. He gives you life, and He is your life! That is awesome!

Now for our question. Jesus loves us.  He came to earth, He lived perfect, He died and rose alive, and He makes a place in heaven, all for you.  All because He loves you.  How much do we love Jesus?  Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will do what I command.”  Do we do what He says?  Yes, no, maybe a little? What does that say about how much we love Him?  What do you think?  We can have a good discussion about this.  Please leave your comment below.

I’m adding something new – a question box.  See this post to learn how to ask me anonymous questions.