Here is a question people ask me sometimes. Jesus saves me, but I keep sinning. Will God forgive me? Or He hates that I keep sinning and now He won’t save me?

That is a good question. You remember the two main teachings in the Bible – Law and Gospel. The Law tells us that God punishes sinners. The Gospel tells us that God saves sinners. Another way to ask this question is which one wins, Law or Gospel?

The Gospel wins. Jesus died to end God’s anger against our sin. We don’t need to fear His punishment. He loves you, even though you continue to sin.

There is a warning, though. If we think God forgives us and that means we can keep sinning, no big deal, don’t worry about it, then that is a problem. Then we think sin is fine and not serious. The Bible says that is mocking God and He will not accept that. We live in repentance, sorry for our sin, and we trust God to forgive us because Jesus died on the cross and rose alive again for us.

The message isn’t that sin doesn’t matter. The message is that Jesus died for your sin and you are free. Rejoice and live in that freedom!

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