I’m sorry, I forgot to post here last Friday. I put the video up in YouTube, but I forgot to put it on the website.

Last Sunday was Trinity Sunday. “Trinity” means “3 in 1.” The Bible teaches that there is only one God. He is the Almighty God who created everything, rules over everything, He is our Savior and the Judge of all the world. But this one God is also three persons – Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is true God, the Son is true God, and the Holy Spirit is true God. But they are not three Gods, they are one God.

Honestly, we can’t really understand who God is, or how He can be three-in-one. He is above our ability to understand. But we can see what He does. The Bible tells us what God does for us and the Apostles’ Creed gives us a summary.

In brief, God the Father created the whole universe and continues to take care of us and everything else. God the Son came to earth as Jesus to save us and forgive our sins. God the Holy Spirit works through the church to give us faith in Jesus, life and salvation.

Do you have comments or questions? Add them below! If you have an anonymous question, use the Question Box. I look forward to hearing from you!