Do we need fathers?  Our world is so confused, some people think we don’t need mothers or fathers.  There are many moms and kids who know how important fathers are and they want their father to be part of the family, but dad is gone.

Fathers are important.  We could list many reasons why families need fathers, but we’re not going to try to list them all. Here are three.

  1. The Bible says fathers are to bring their children up the Lord’s way, to know, trust, follow Him.  Ephesians 6:4 says fathers are to teach and train their children in the Lord.
  2. The father and mother are an example of Christ and the church.  Ephesians 5 talks about how husband and wife are an example of Christ and the church. The husband loves and cares for his wife the same as Christ loved us by dying for us and He continues to take care of the church. The wife loves and honors her husband the same as the church loves and honors Christ. Fathers help teach their children about Christ and the church when they are good husbands.
  3. Fathers are example of God to their children.  Fathers, show your respect and faith and love for God.  Show that He is your Father.  Then your children will see you as an example of their heavenly Father.  When you love, forgive, are patient and merciful, they learn to see God that way.

Please add your comment below, or feel free to put an anonymous question in the Question Box. Thank God for your father and encourage your father to stay in faith in Jesus!