Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is the same-as a farmer planting good wheat seed in his field.  Then at night, his workers were sleeping.  His enemy came and planted weeds in the field among the wheat, and then went-away.  The plants grew.  The wheat appeared, then the weeds appeared also.  Matthew 13:24-26

I hate weeds. My yard always has so many weeds. I’ve tried making the grass grow thicker, weed killers, and pulling them. I don’t like using a lot of weed killer, so last summer I decided to try something different. We have a dog and I take him outside several times a day. Since I’m outside, I might as well pull weeds, right? I was curious how many weeds I would pull, so I counted them. Every time I went out with the dog, I pulled 50 weeds. Throughout the whole summer, I pulled more than 10,000 weeds, and that was only on one small part of my yard! Weeds truly grow like crazy.

Jesus told parable about wheat and weeds growing together. The meaning is that believers (wheat) and unbelievers (weeds) are together in the world.

It can be hard to be mixed together.  Unbelievers cause trouble for believers. God’s plan is that only believers will live in His kingdom. So why are the unbelievers here? Why doesn’t God judge now and separate the believers and unbelievers? In the parable, the servants wanted to pull the weeds (unbelievers) out right away.

But God says no, wait. In the final judgment, He will separate us. But for now on earth, God wants us to be together. In this parable, He says that if He pulled out the unbelievers now, that could hurt Christians. He knows what is best for us and He doesn’t want to lose any of His people. Also, while we are here on earth, God wants us to do good works and show the life He gives us. That is a witness to unbelievers that shows them His mercy and life.

So while we wait for God’s judgment to come, be patient. Jesus will come again at the right time. Until then, continue to be faithful and let Christ shine in your life every day.