Pentecost is the day God sent the Holy Spirit for the church. For many years before that, the Jews celebrated Pentecost. It was one of their major festivals and Jews from many different countries came to Jerusalem for the feast. They celebrated two things – the beginning of the Spring harvest, and remembering when God gave them the Law on Mt. Sinai.

That is why Jews from many nations were in Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit came. When the Holy Spirit came on the believers, they spoke in many different languages. The Jews from many nations were amazed to hear the believers speaking in their home language. Peter used the opportunity to preach to them about Jesus and about 3000 people got baptized and joined the church that day.

That was 2000 years ago. What about today? What does the Holy Spirit do today? His work is still the same. He does two main things. First, the Holy Spirit gives us faith in Jesus. He leads us to believe that Jesus is our Savior. Without the Holy Spirit, we would never believe. Second, the Holy Spirit uses God’s Word, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper to teach us and show us Jesus is our Savior. Those are the tools He uses.

He still works in us, in His church, to teach us about Jesus and give faith. And He works through you, through your words, as you tell other people about Jesus. When you witness, it isn’t just you speaking. The Holy Spirit uses those words about Jesus to work in other people, also.

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