The rain and snow come-down from heaven and give water to the earth and make the seed grow for the farmer and give bread for the people.  Same is My word.  I send out My word and My word doesn’t come back empty.  My word will do everything I want and will succeed in My goal.  Isaiah 55:10-11

July in Iowa means heat and humidity. We certainly have that right now. July also means the corn is growing tall. Maybe you know that people always used to say the corn should be knee-high by the Fourth of July. Most of the time the corn is much taller than that by July 4. This year, most of it was 6 or 7 feet tall.

Why does Iowa corn grow so fast? Rain and sun help a lot. This year we have had good rain for the crops. Not too much and not too dry. The right amount of rain means tall, green, healthy corn.

God says His word is same as rain. Rain makes food grow and gives people life. God’s word gives people true life with Him. His word tells us how He forgives our sins through Jesus, that God makes us His children, and gives us faith and life in Him.

What does God’s word mean? First, His word means God’s promises for you, everything He gives you. Second, God’s word means Jesus Himself. The Bible says that Jesus is the Word of God in flesh. Jesus did everything God wants and He succeeded in all of God’s plans, the same as Isaiah 55 says.

God’s word is wonderful! We want to stay in His word, learning and growing to know and trust Jesus more.